7th International Conference on Academic Research in
Science, Technology and Engineering

13 – 15 March 2025 | Berlin, Germany


Welcome to ICARSTE Conference

Why Best Academic Conference 2025 ?

The 7th International Conference on Academic Research in Science, Technology and Engineering will take place in Berlin, Germany on 13 -15 March 2025. We have packed the agenda with thought-provoking presentations on the most relevant topics in the field. You are invited to join us for ICARSTE to contribute to the open learning environment of the event. We are accepting abstracts, poster presentation submissions, and registrations. Whether you want to share the findings of your latest research with an international group of peers or learn from fellow researchers, scientists, and scholars, we can’t wait to see you at ICARSTE 2025.

Engineering Conference 2025

Authors will be notified of Abstract acceptance within 7 to 14 days. The optional full paper submission, including detailed guidelines for publication in Conference Proceedings, peer-reviewed journals, or as a Monograph, will be emailed within a few weeks after the conference.

Abstract Submission Deadline

27 February 2025

Early Registration Deadline

12 November 2024

Late Registration Deadline

06 March 2025


Adhir Chandra Paul

Adhir Chandra Paul


Jeong Woo Heo

JeongWoo Heo


Abul Hashem


Kang Eun Hye


Musa Doğan

Musa Doğan


Mr. JiBeom Choi

JiBeom Choi


Plagiarism Policy & Publication Ethics



The 7th International Conference on Academic Research in Science, Technology and Engineering follows strict anti-plagiarism policies and, as such, checks every submission for plagiarism using Crossref Similarity Check Powered by iThenticate. All Abstracts submitted to the conference first undergo a plagiarism check before being sent to our scientific committee for review. The submission will be automatically rejected at any time if found plagiarized. If you’d like to find out more information about the iThenticate software, click on the following link: https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/

Paper Publication Opportuinity

All accepted and Registered Abstracts will be electronically published in the official Conference Proceedings with the with ISBN Number. A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from Cross Ref will be assigned for each paper.
We will provide you with the opportunity to publish your paper in various ISI, Scopus, and international indexed journals.


Our event is designed for members of the academia and non-profit, public, and private sector members who are interested in the latest research and academic developments in the field of Engineering and Technology.


Be the Best Presenter and Best Student in an International Conference. Get rewards to your commitment, knowledge and be a partner to revolutionize the research by building the arch of knowledge.

First Visit to Berlin!

Berlin is not only the capital of Germany, but also in many ways the capital of Europe, sitting at the crossroads of the East and West. Germany serves as the continent’s largest economy and the world’s fourth-largest overall. It’s a major player in the industry, engineering, science, and renewable energy, and Berlin has recently been dubbed the start-up capital of Europe.

It’s a country known for its rich culture, world-famous festivals, beautiful landscape, and war-torn history. By occupying such an important place in the political, economic, and cultural worlds, Germany – Berlin in particular – makes for a compelling study abroad destination.

One-day city tour free of



Join in on the special social function of the conference on Business, Management, and Economics to make the most of your experience in the stunning city of Berlin! The free guided City Tour will allow all participants to get to know other academics with similar interests and build new connections in a friendly environment. Register and fill in the Invitation Letter form if you need a visa!

Engineering Conference 2025


Early Registraion Deadline

12 November 2024

Late Registraion Deadline

06 March 2025

Participation Opportunities

Oral Presentation

Be an oral presenter of the conference and present your research to a truly international audience. Presentation slots are limited, so early submission is strongly encouraged. Send your abstract today.

Poster Presentation

Submit your research Abstract to be a poster presenter and show your research work to the global conference audience.

Virtual Presentation

If you can’t attend the conference in person but want to share your research with our international community, join as a virtual presenter.

Discover Berlin


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Dining in Berlin

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Berlin Hidden Gems

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Berlin Sightseeing

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Conference Schedule

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Modes of Presentation

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